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What is the best filler for my lips?

There are a number of different types of fillers and it can definitely get confusing to figure out which filler is best for what area. This and injection technique is what your providers at WDC are for. We have a number of providers who are extremely experienced in knowing what products look and feel the best in our specific problem areas of our face.

On today’s blog we’re going to focus mainly on the lip fillers. In this particular treatment area, all of the fillers are known as hyaluronic acid fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps provide fullness and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid diminishes as we age, causing skin to lose volume while increasing the chances for wrinkles and folds to appear. While this may simple, there are different fillers that accomplish different things in the lips, so we’ll break it down for you.

Juvederm Ultra XC – This product is a staple in the world of hyaluronic acid fillers and does a great job is you are looking to add fullness to your lips. It last approximately 12-18 months.

Juvederm Volbella XC – This filler is part of the newer line of Juvederm fillers that is cross-linked to last from 12-24 months. It does an amazing job at softening the vertical lip lines and can add a subtle volume to the lips as well.

Juvederm Vollure XC – This hyaluronic-based gel injectable filler used to smooth deep wrinkles for a refreshed look, as well as gently restoring natural-looking contours in the lower face and lips.

Restylane – The Restylane family of fillers also do a great job at providing a subtle lip enhancement, and smoothing the lines around the lips. Results are usually seen dlasting 12-18 months as well.

Restylane Refyne – Is a comparable filler to the Juvederm in that it’s main purpose is for adding a fullness and plumpness to the lips.

There are some cost differences in the products, so which product is best for you should, in the end, be determined by your expert injector and your personal expectations. If you’re interested in learning more, call our office today to schedule a complimentary consultation! 910-256-4350