Keratosis pilaris is a common condition we treat here at Wilmington Dermatology Center: while it’s not dangerous and may clear on its own, many people find it uncomfortable and unsightly, and we’re happy to help them find faster relief. Our medical-grade solutions will lead you on the path to smooth, blemish free skin!
What is Keratosis Pilaris?
Keratosis pilaris, commonly known as “chicken skin,” is the term given to a rash that is typically found on the upper arms, thighs, face, back, and buttocks. The rash consists of small and sometimes itchy bumps located around hair follicles, which are often red or inflamed.
These bumps show up when the body produces too much keratin protein (which makes up our hair and nails); it then surrounds and traps the hair follicles in the pore, forming a hard plug. While keratosis pilaris isn’t harmful to your health, it can be very damaging to your self-confidence.

Keratosis Pilaris Cosmetic Treatment at Wilmington Dermatology
While keratosis pilaris typically goes away over time on its own, we can provide you with solutions that can clear up the rash much quicker. Different cases may call for different topical solutions. Lubricants, mild peeling agents or acid creams, urea preparations to maintain hydration, and Retin-A acne treatment can all work wonders, and we’ll find the best solution for you.
We’ll follow along with your keratosis pilaris journey, make sure that you’re safe from any infections, and ensure that you feel confident in the skin you’re in.
Why Choose Wilmington Dermatology for your
Keratosis Pilaris Treatment?
Our doctors bring their knowledge, experience, and compassion to every patient they treat, and we see keratosis pilaris quite often. You’ll feel relieved to know that there is a solution for your skin!
Our doctors explore every option and stop at nothing to restore your smooth, healthy skin: with the right personalized treatment plan, “chicken skin” can be a thing of the past.